Solna, December 15, 2014

Hej, alla plugghästar! Hi, all book-worms!

I know that you are studying very hard right now, and I wish you all success with your exam after the weekend. Here is some stuff for you to take a closer look at during your Christmas leave! Hopefully, you will find the links and references useful (and perhaps entertaining).

I would also like to bring a message of comfort to you who have a fear for public speaking: remember that it gets easier for every time you face and conquer your fears! So keep on practizing in safe environments to increase your self-esteem. Why not during Christmas dinners and New Year’s parties, giving small speeches in front of your friends and family?

Good luck with your communication, and bear in mind what the student Leonidas Georgiou once wrote to me: ”Lets face it: badly communicated science is boring and a big component of doing science is motivation; we can’t expect to motivate people without good communication skills!”


My slides from December 12


Scientia Crastina

If you have a special interest for research communication, read more about this web site and go exploring. The FB page has a very interesting feed, curated by Adrianna Kryczka from the Medical University of Warsaw (with some assistance from me).

Specially recommended articles:

About presentations

• Death by PowerPoint – and how to fight it
A slideshow by Alexei Kapterev från Moskva.

• Life After Death by PowerPoint
PowerPoint as stand-up comedy by Don McMillan.

Excellent speakers

Research posters



Decembereftermiddag, Mesta sydväst om Eskilstuna. Diket är på väg att frysa, dimman hänger över plogfårorna. Foto Olle Bergman, @generalblom på Instagram.

Decembereftermiddag, Mesta sydväst om Eskilstuna. Diket är på väg att frysa, dimman hänger över plogfårorna. Foto Olle Bergman, @generalblom på Instagram.