What I offer

Toolbox-oriented training in applied communication

I offer a set of training subjects adapted for universities, R&D-based industries, and startup clusters. Normally, a set of them is combined into a customized event according to the needs and wishes of the client:

  • General communication skills and rhetoric
  • Presentation techniques
  • Crafting and performance of an Elevator Pitch
  • Scientific poster design
  • Networking and social media for science & tech people
  • Effective writing for press releases,

Online training conveying practical skills

The following courses are available as online training sessions, where the interaction is based on Mentimeter surveys, group discussions, and writing assignments.

  • Crafting and performing an elevator pitch
  • Writing a press release
  • Putting ethos, pathos, and logos to use

A series of research school courses

Together with staff at the Department of Chemistry, Lund University, I have developed a series of communication workshops for research schools aimed at Ph.D. students in the STEM field.

  • Step 1: The Scientific Poster
  • Step 2: The Elevator Pitch
  • Step 3: The Scientific 10-Minute Presentation

More information about the QDETAILSS Graduate research school. Please email me for more information!

Customers, clients, & partners

 AstraZeneca, euSNN, Scania, SciLifeLab, TIPPA …

Lunds universitet, Karolinska Institutet, KTH …

Københavns Universitet (DK), DTU (DK), Politechnika Łódzka (PL), Vilnius University …

Famelab, iGEM Lund, Innovation Forum, Polonium Foundation, Rays, Symkom, Science Journalism Forum, Synapse …

About Olle Bergman

Professional profile

Based in Sweden, I am a communications consultant, workshop leader, freelance writer, and author

My specialties include the following:

  • Teaching practical communication skills to
  • Scientific communication and science dissemination.
  • Medical, technical, and scientific writing, aimed at a popular audience.

Through the years, I have worked for several of universities in Sweden and the rest of Europe, as well as for a number of science and R&D based companies and organizations; examples are listed in the ”Customers & Clients section above.


  • Training in the form of lectures, seminars, and workshops
  • Research, editorial planning, and text production for magazines, websites, reports, etc.
  • Concept development, strategic planning, networking activities

Och, ja – jag gör allt detta på svenska också om så önskas!

Communication philosophy

“Keep it simple, engage your audience, and never be boring.”

After a long career, I believe in what I define as “The Grand Unified Theory” of communication. According to this mindset, there is a set of universal principles which can be applied to make communication more effective.

  • Strive towards a goal: ”to change the world a little”.
  • Embrace simplicity.
  • Engage the audience as an authentic human being – as if you were having a conversation.
  • Last but not least: never be boring.

As a knowledge worker, I get energized by the force field between the traditional and the brand-new. Or to quote the Swedish poet Gunnar Ekelöf:

“The established is good. The opposition against the established is good.”

”Det bestående är bra. Oppositionen mot det bestående är bra.”

What makes me different?

Ja, det kan man fråga sig.

Live Training modules

During the fall of 2022, I offer online training in the following subjects:

1. General communication skills for science & tech people

I offer an introduction to a modern approach to communication – rooted in rhetorical tradition and using proven digital tools. I demonstrate how this mindset can be applied to writing, public speaking and the design of scientific illustrations and posters.

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I offer an introduction to a modern approach to communication – rooted in rhetorical tradition and using proven digital tools. I demonstrate how this mindset can be applied to writing, public speaking and the design of scientific illustrations and posters.

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I offer this and I offer that.

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I offer this and I offer that.

Online Training modules

During the fall of 2022, I offer online training in the following subjects.

Preparing and performing an elevator pitch

Convince the world with Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Aristotle defined the triad of ethos, pathos, logos in the 4th century BC, and ever since it has been a model to prepare and analyze convincing communication.

Writing your personal communication plan

”Knowing where you’re at and defining where you’re heading helps you reach your goals faster!”

Setting up a communication plan not only helps you set goals and milestones – it also clarifies your strengths and weaknesses as a communicator. This helps you find the shortest paths to your targets, and also points out what impediments you should focus on.  In this workshop, every participant produces an outline of a personal communication plan, getting valuable feedback from the course leader and the other participants.

News writing, inverted pyramid style

”Knowing how to write news articles helps you improve your general communication skills!”

Science & tech people often have a hard time getting to the point. Instead of focusing on the main messages, they tend to get lost among the details of their subject. In this workshop, the participants learn how to write a short news piece, using the inverted pyramid technique from journalism.

Faced with the task of writing a quick news piece or press release? Would you like to be the writer who doesn’t hesitate, but rather gets the job done in an hour or two? This Zoom- based workshop helps you kickstart your learning journey.

Part 1 (lecture): Learn how to think like a journalist when approaching the task of writing – applying the inverted- pyramid technique as well as using five rhetorical questions – “the 5Ws” – to find the essence of your news message.

Part 2 (exercise): Write a fictional press release, targeted at a life science audience. Get feedback from the group and the workshop leader.

Feel free to contact me for inquiries, professional consultation, intellectual discussion, or casual conversation.

Phone/Whatsapp: +46 70 888 55 41