Tack för ni kom till vårt lunchseminarium! Här kommer först och främst en pdf med bilderna från mitt föredrag, men även lite länkar som kan vara av intresse.
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Olle B.
My lecture slides
Some LinkedIn tips
Some Twitter tips
Download it here. Then use the search function to find some influencers in your field or hashtags related to your research subject. Start following 10–20 twitterers and extend your network slowly. Systematically remove those who are uninteresting, annoying or publishing too much. There is no point in following hundreds of people if you don’t want to become a specialised information traffic controller or influencer, alternatively work as a journalist or communication officer.
Other power tools: Hootsuite & Twitterfall.
Tweeting during conferences
Mr Scicomm = Kirk Englehardt
If you want a starting point for general science communication (hashtag #scicomm) your man is Kirk Englehardt from Georgia Tech. He knows what is going on, and presents summaries like this every week!
Scientia Crastina
My current pet project is Crastina (from Scientia Crastina, Latin for ‘The Science of Tomorrow’)—a networking platform for the exchange of knowledge, skills, experience and opinion regarding scientific communication and science dissemination. The primary target group is early career scientists, but here you can find stuff which is useful for everybody with an interest for communication. Read more.
I specially recommend the Guides and articles part, for which a lot of material will be produced during the year ahead.
The Facebook Page offers interesting links every day.

Björkarnas skira lövslöjor under sörmländsk majhimmel. Foto: Olle Bergman, http://instagram.com/generalblom