Östhammar den 9 december 2014

Tack för en intressant dag i Roslagen! Jag tyckte som sagt att det mesta av det jag läste såg väldigt bra ut; ni har helt enkelt kommit väldigt långt när det gäller Klarspråksarbetet!

Lycka till och mejla gärna olle@bergman.com om ni har frågor.


Utvalda föreläsningsbilder



Exempel på kommunala skrivregler

Övriga intressanta resurser


Decembereftermiddag söder om Mesta, Eskilstuna. Allt är stilla i landskapet; naturen är nu förberedd på tre månader av snö och kyla. Foto: Olle Bergman, http://instagram.com/generalblom

Some help to write a recommendation for Olle Bergman

Here is some boilerplate text in English for you who are kind enough to write me a recommendation. Hopefully, it can help you getting started.

Olle as a speaker

I attended a lecture by Olle #date and place# and appreciated …
… the way he merged ideas from traditional and modern communication …
… his energy and focus on the audience …
… how he showed how your own personality is the most important tool for a communicator ..
… he boosted my self-esteem …
… inspired me …
… source of inspiration
… allowed to tap in to his experience
… great tips
… useful knowledge about communication skills
During the lecture he gave many valuable tips …
… his focus on 
… his understanding of the situation of a early career professional
I have applied his ideas with some success …
He inspired me to 
… use my personality
… take a step ahead
… increase my self-esteem
… feel safer
… challenge myself

Olle as a writer

manages to explain complex things

Olle as a communications consultant

easy to work with
has inspired us


LinkedIn recommendations I cherish

”It is a true pleasure to work with Olle as he is an inspiring person simply by possessing a vast amount of knowledge spanning over many theoretical fields. As a person early in my career I also feel trust in Olle’s words as he a lot experience in Life Sciences. I look forward to the opportunity of working for and with Olle in any future projects.”
Peter Solsjö, Swede + Student + Biomedical Scientist + Teacher + Entrepreneur

”Olle Bergman was engaged by us for making a case study on Sony Mobile’s road in becoming an open source company. As Olle possesses the rare combination of understanding industrial software development as well as the enchanting skills of a good story teller, adding his easy going style, it summed to a very creative, productive as well as pleasurable experience to work with him and easy to recommend!”
Carl-Eric Mols, Director Open Source SW Operations at Sony Mobile Communications

”Hiring Olle to teach us customer and market communication has been truly uplifting for our organization. His skills in combination with his responsiveness and ability to enthuse are unique. As a result we see a positive effect in our business and we will definitely continue to use Olle’s excellent services!”
Håkan Karlsson, Senior Systems Engineer at Pitney Bowes Software

Globen den 19–20 november 2014

Hej och tack för en trevlig kurs!

Här är den officiella kursdokumentationen – den i mina ögon bästa skriften om webbtexter på svenska. Notera att det finns en massa annat smått och gott i .SE:s handboksskafferi!

Om ni har lust att ta er an något på engelska rekommenderar jag en e-bok av Rachel McAlpine från Nya Zeeland.

Utvalda föreläsningsbilder:

Här kommer några länkar som ni kanske kan ha nytta av:

Interpunktion i listor är som sagt lite knepigt, här kommer en lathund:

Lycka till med ert textarbete och hör gärna av er!

/Olle B.


Uppför backen i sörmländsk tallskog medan höstsolen sjunker i sydväst. [Foto: Olle Bergman, http://instagram.com/generalblom]

Globen den 21 oktober

Hej och tack för senast!

En bra sammanfattning om webbtexter på svenska:

Om ni vill läsa något på engelska rekommenderar jag den här boken:

Utvalda föreläsningsbilder:

Här kommer några länkar som ni förhoppningsvis kan ha nytta av:

Slutligen en lathund om interpunktion i listor:

Lycka till med ert textarbete och hör gärna av er!

/Olle B.


Sörmland väntar på vintern. (Mesta 25 oktober 2014). Foto: Olle Bergman

Solna, September 26 & October 24, 2014

Hi everybody and thank you for your great presentations; I learned a lot! Below are some links and references which you can find useful (and perhaps entertaining).

These are my reflections on the presentations during the symposium.

  1. Proper preparations boost self-confidence and increase your freedom of action. The opposite is also true. We saw examples of both during the day.
  2. Step out of your comfort zone and into the scary spot on the floor in front of the audience—the spot from where you change the world.
  3. Maintain eye contact. It will put you in charge and give you invaluable feedback.
  4. Consider the temporal effect when you design your presentation: show your stuff in sequence, one detail at a time.
  5. Love your subject and let the world know it!
  6. Don’t fear silence; it helps you and your audience to focus and contemplate. Don’t fear questions; this is where you could really shine in front of your listeners. (However, see point 1. above.)

Finally: an applause for you who struggled with your nervousness, but kept yourself together and delivered. It’s your victory, and you should be proud of yourselves! Trust me: it will only be easier for every time you face and conquer your fears. So keep on practising during dinners and parties, giving small speeches in front of your friends and family.

Good luck, and bear in mind what the student Leonidas Georgiou once wrote to me: ”Lets face it: badly communicated science is boring and a big component of doing science is motivation; we can’t expect to motivate people without good communication skills!”


My slides from September 26


Scientia Crastina

If you have a special interest for research communication, read more about this web site and go exploring.

Specially recommended articles:

About presentations

• Death by PowerPoint – and how to fight it
A slideshow by Alexei Kapterev från Moskva.

• Life After Death by PowerPoint
PowerPoint as stand-up comedy by Don McMillan.

Excellent speakers

Research posters




Åsby ridge, Eskilstuna, October 2014

Olle Bergman

Swedish communications consultant, public speaker, educator, freelance writer and author.

• Scientific communication & science communication.
• Presentation & writing techniques.
• Medical, technical & scientific writing aimed at a popular audience.

‘‘Helping brilliant professionals and students get their facts, ideas and opinions across.”

Belgrade, 4 October, 2014

Hi everybody,

Sorry for my late feedback; I have a very busy schedule right now. Anyway, it was great to meet you in Belgrade and I was very impressed by all the smart people I met and the high standard of your conference.

Below are some links and references which you can find useful (and perhaps entertaining).

Good luck, and bear in mind what the student Leonidas Georgiou once wrote to me: ”Lets face it: badly communicated science is boring and a big component of doing science is motivation; we can’t expect to motivate people without good communication skills!”



My slides


Scientia Crastina

If you have a special interest for research communication, read more about this web site and go exploring.

Specially recommended articles:

About presentations

• Death by PowerPoint – and how to fight it
A slideshow by Alexei Kapterev från Moskva.

• Life After Death by PowerPoint
PowerPoint as stand-up comedy by Don McMillan.

Excellent speakers

Research posters


Bergendal den 11 september 2014

Hej allesammas

Ett stort tack för en väldigt spännande och lärorik eftermiddag på denna vackra plats. Här kommer (på blandad svenska och engelska) föreläsningsbilder och lite länkar som jag hoppas att ni kan ha nytta av.





Scientia Crastina

”Scientia Crastina (latin for ’The Science of Tomorrow’) is a networking platform for the discussion of scientific communication and science communication. The main target group of the web site is science students and scientists in their early career. However, all students, scholars, professionals and laymen who are interested in scientific communication and science communication are welcome to contribute. [—] The Facebook page offers interesting material about communication in the fields of science, medicine and engineering every day.”



Om hisspresentationer

Här är några länkar att börja med; googla, och ni kommer att hitta massor!


Boktips om retorik

Båda dessa böcker är lättlästa, praktiskt inriktade och väl värda sin tid.



Komma igång med LinkedIn

For comparison, my account is 

1. Get a LinkedIn account.

2. Write a good headline – as you can see, mine is ”Communications Consultant, Public Speaker & Professional Writer with a passion for science, language, history & people”.

3. Write a summary. As you can se, my summary says the following

Swedish communications consultant, public speaker, educator, freelance writer and author.

• Scientific communication & science communication.
• Presentation & writing techniques.
• Medical, technical & scientific writing aimed at a popular audience.

”Helping brilliant professionals and students get their facts, ideas and opinions across.

You can “find out who you are” by answering the questions below and edit the answer into a concise elevator pitch.

a. What do you do as a professional?
b. What problem do you solve?
c. How is your knowledge, approach or method different?
d. Why should I care?

4. Try to fill as many things as possible. Note that you can also add images and web addresses to your wall.

5. Finally, start chasing recommendations. Make sure your teachers, colleagues and project leaders write something nice about you!

Globen den 25 augusti 2014

Tack för senast & ursäkta sen återkoppling!

Här är, som sagt, den bästa texten på svenska om webbtexter:

Utvalda föreläsningsbilder:

Ett par länkar som ni förhoppningsvis kan ha nytta av:

Lycka till med ert textarbete!

/Olle B.

Sveriges somrar ila (Tacktorpsmossen 24 augusti 2014) Foto: Olle Bergman

Sveriges somrar ila (Tacktorpsmossen 24 augusti 2014) Foto: Olle Bergman

Bosön, 5–6 August 2014

Hi everybody,

Thank you for two great days at Bosön! From your feedback page I have understood that you found the course valuable, and I wish you good luck with your studies and career. Below are some links and references which you can find useful. I have also included a small LinkedIn tutorial.

So keep in touch and remember: if you have a vision worth following, no geographical, social or economical shackles can hold you. Let’s make this world a better place!



My slides


Scientia Crastina

If you have a special interest for research communication, read more about this web site and go exploring. Below is one of my favorite articles.

The Facebook page offers interesting material about communication in the STEM field every day.

About presentations

• Death by PowerPoint – and how to fight it
A slideshow by Alexei Kapterev från Moskva.

• Life After Death by PowerPoint
PowerPoint as stand-up comedy by Don McMillan.

How to give a successful oral presentation
Interesting reflections on the attention pattern during a lecture.

Excellent speakers

Getting started with LinkedIn

For comparison, my account is 

1. Get a LinkedIn account.

2. Write a good headline – as you can see, mine is ”Communications Consultant, Public Speaker & Professional Writer with a passion for science, language, history & people”.

3. Write a summary. As you can se, my summary says the following

Swedish communications consultant, public speaker, educator, freelance writer and author.

• Scientific communication & science communication.
• Presentation & writing techniques.
• Medical, technical & scientific writing aimed at a popular audience.

”Helping brilliant professionals and students get their facts, ideas and opinions across.

You can “find out who you are” by answering the questions below and edit the answer into a concise elevator pitch.

a. What do you do as a professional?
b. What problem do you solve?
c. How is your knowledge, approach or method different?
d. Why should I care?

4. Try to fill as many things as possible. Note that you can also add images and web addresses to your wall.

5. Finally, start chasing recommendations. Make sure your teachers, colleagues and project leaders write something nice about you!