Solna, 8 June 2015

Thanks for a great afternoon in Atrium! Below you will find a pdf with the lecture slides as well as a collection of links which I hope you find useful!

Good luck with your summer project! Feel free to email me for feedback on your PPt slides or poster design – but remember to give me a couple of days to reply.


PS Don’t forget to like the Crastina Facebook Page; we try to present really useful and/or inspiring links every day!

My slides




Mr Scicomm = Kirk Englehardt

If you want a starting point for general science communication (hashtag #scicomm) your man is Kirk Englehardt from Georgia Tech. He knows what is going on, and presents summaries like this every week!


My current pet project is Crastina (from Scientia Crastina, Latin for ‘The Science of Tomorrow’)—a networking platform for the exchange of knowledge, skills, experience and opinion regarding scientific communication and science dissemination. The primary target group is early career scientists, but here you can find stuff which is useful for everybody with an interest for communication. Read more.

There are several ways to engage in the Crastina network activities.


Summer evening in a pine forest outside Torshälla.
[Photo: Olle Bergman,]


Globen den 2–3 juni 2015

Hej och tack för en trevlig kurs i ”syrenernas tid, i gullregnens månad”!

Den officiella kursdokumentationen är som sagt Skriva för webben av Erik Geijer – den i mina ögon bästa skriften om webbtexter på svenska. Se er gärna om när ni hämtar ner den från .SE – det finns en massa annat smått och gott i deras handboksskafferi!

Om ni har lust att ta er an något på engelska rekommenderar jag en e-bok av Rachel McAlpine från Nya Zeeland.

Utvalda föreläsningsbilder:

Här kommer några länkar som ni kanske kan ha nytta av:

Interpunktion i listor är som sagt lite knepigt, här kommer en lathund:

Lycka till med ert textarbete och hör gärna av er!

/Olle B.



Grönskimmer och solglitter i försommarskog. [Foto: Olle Bergman,]

Globen den 1 juni 2015

Tack för senast & ursäkta sen återkoppling; det har varit en minst sagt intensiv månad!

Min favorittext på svenska om webbtexter hittar ni här:

Notera att .SE har en massa annat smått och gott.

Utvalda föreläsningsbilder:

Ett par länkar som ni förhoppningsvis kan ha nytta av:

Lycka till med ert textarbete!

/Olle B.


Lund den 11 maj 2015

Tack för ni kom till vårt lunchseminarium! Här kommer först och främst en pdf med bilderna från mitt föredrag, men även lite länkar som kan vara av intresse.

Lycka till!

Olle B.


My lecture slides


Some LinkedIn tips

Some Twitter tips


Download it here. Then use the search function to find some influencers in your field or hashtags related to your research subject. Start following 10–20 twitterers and extend your network slowly. Systematically remove those who are uninteresting, annoying or publishing too much. There is no point in following hundreds of people if you don’t want to become a specialised information traffic controller or influencer, alternatively work as a journalist or communication officer.

Other power tools: Hootsuite & Twitterfall.


Tweeting during conferences

Mr Scicomm = Kirk Englehardt

If you want a starting point for general science communication (hashtag #scicomm) your man is Kirk Englehardt from Georgia Tech. He knows what is going on, and presents summaries like this every week!

Scientia Crastina

My current pet project is Crastina (from Scientia Crastina, Latin for ‘The Science of Tomorrow’)—a networking platform for the exchange of knowledge, skills, experience and opinion regarding scientific communication and science dissemination. The primary target group is early career scientists, but here you can find stuff which is useful for everybody with an interest for communication. Read more.

I specially recommend the Guides and articles part, for which a lot of material will be produced during the year ahead.

The Facebook Page offers interesting links every day.



Björkarnas skira lövslöjor under sörmländsk majhimmel. Foto: Olle Bergman,


Southampton, 26 March 2015

Thanks for a great afternoon in Southampton! Below you will find a pdf with the lecture slides as well as a motley but useful collection of links .

Good luck with your studies, research, networking and communication! And don’t forget to keep in touch, e.g. by liking the Crastina Facebook Page.


My slides

southampton_march 2015



Mr Scicomm = Kirk Englehardt

If you want a starting point for general science communication (hashtag #scicomm) your man is Kirk Englehardt from Georgia Tech. He knows what is going on, and presents summaries like this every week!


My current pet project is Crastina (from Scientia Crastina, Latin for ‘The Science of Tomorrow’)—a networking platform for the exchange of knowledge, skills, experience and opinion regarding scientific communication and science dissemination. The primary target group is early career scientists, but here you can find stuff which is useful for everybody with an interest for communication. Read more.

There are several ways to engage in the Crastina network activities.


Ditchling Beacon, South Downs [Photo: Olle Bergman]

London, 25 March 2015

Firstly, I would like to thank you all for attending my first talk on British soil and for your patience when we had to switch rooms. Secondly, I want to express my gratitude to Paweł who made everything possible. Below you will find

  • information about Gettyscience & Crastina;
  • a pdf with the lecture slides;
  • some links which may be of use. 

Good luck with your studies, research, networking, writing and communication. Feel free to contact me with questions and requests for feedback; as I am not spending my days in an university environment I need a steady inflow of examples to study and learn from.




“At Gettyscience we would like to give scientists the opportunity to promote their work to the wider public.” Read more.

Click here if you would like to become an author.


Olle’s current pet project is Crastina (from Scientia Crastina, Latin for ‘The Science of Tomorrow’)—a networking platform for the exchange of knowledge, skills, experience and opinion regarding scientific communication and science dissemination. The primary target group is early career scientists, but here you can find stuff which is useful for everybody with an interest for communication. Read more.

There are several ways to engage in the Crastina network activities.


My lecture slides



Some links


Mr Scicomm = Kirk Englehardt

If you want a starting point for general science communication (hashtag #scicomm) your man is Kirk Englehardt from Georgia Tech. He knows what is going on, and presents summaries like this every week!


Arlanda, 24 March 2015 [Photo by Olle Bergman]

Copenhagen, February 6, 2015

Thank you everybody for a very interesting afternoon. Below you will find a pdf with the lecture slides as well as a collection of links which may be of use. 

Good luck with your studies, research, networking and communication!



My lecture slides



Some LinkedIn tips

Some Twitter tips


Download it here. Then use the search function to find some influencers in your field or hashtags related to your research subject. Start following 10–20 twitterers and extend your network slowly. Systematically remove those who are uninteresting, annoying or publishing too much. There is no point in following hundreds of people if you don’t want to become a specialised information traffic controller or influencer, alternatively work as a journalist or communication officer.

Other power tools: Hootsuite & Twitterfall.


Tweeting during conferences

Mr Scicomm = Kirk Englehardt

If you want a starting point for general science communication (hashtag #scicomm) your man is Kirk Englehardt from Georgia Tech. He knows what is going on, and presents summaries like this every week!

Scientia Crastina

My current pet project is Crastina (from Scientia Crastina, Latin for ‘The Science of Tomorrow’)—a networking platform for the exchange of knowledge, skills, experience and opinion regarding scientific communication and science dissemination. The primary target group is early career scientists, but here you can find stuff which is useful for everybody with an interest for communication. Read more.

I specially recommend the Guides and articles part, for which a lot of material will be produced during the year ahead.

The Facebook Page offers interesting links every day.


Sublime fluffiness—Södermanland covered with newly fallen snow. [Photo: Olle Bergman, generalblom at Instagram]

Geel, January 16, 2015

Tack för senast! Thank you everybody for a very interesting day. Below you will find a pdf with the lecture slides as well as a collection of links which may be of use. 


My slides


Lecture & workshop notes

A great mindmap summarising our discourse, compiled by Piotr R.


Scientia Crastina

My current pet project is Crastina (from Scientia Crastina, Latin for ‘The Science of Tomorrow’)—a networking platform for the exchange of knowledge, skills, experience and opinion regarding scientific communication and science dissemination. The primary target group is early career scientists, but here you can find stuff which is useful for everybody with an interest for communication. Read more.

I specially recommend the Guides and articles part, for which a lot of material will be produced during the year ahead.

About presentations

• Death by PowerPoint – and how to fight it
A slideshow by Alexei Kapterev från Moskva.

• Life After Death by PowerPoint
PowerPoint as stand-up comedy by Don McMillan.

Excellent speakers

Research posters

A very modest pdf document, but highly useful. The basis for the poster template of Karolinska Institute.



The marvelous architecture of Antwerp railway station. [Photo by Olle Bergman]

The marvelous architecture of Antwerp railway station. [Photo by Olle Bergman]

Solna, December 15, 2014

Hej, alla plugghästar! Hi, all book-worms!

I know that you are studying very hard right now, and I wish you all success with your exam after the weekend. Here is some stuff for you to take a closer look at during your Christmas leave! Hopefully, you will find the links and references useful (and perhaps entertaining).

I would also like to bring a message of comfort to you who have a fear for public speaking: remember that it gets easier for every time you face and conquer your fears! So keep on practizing in safe environments to increase your self-esteem. Why not during Christmas dinners and New Year’s parties, giving small speeches in front of your friends and family?

Good luck with your communication, and bear in mind what the student Leonidas Georgiou once wrote to me: ”Lets face it: badly communicated science is boring and a big component of doing science is motivation; we can’t expect to motivate people without good communication skills!”


My slides from December 12


Scientia Crastina

If you have a special interest for research communication, read more about this web site and go exploring. The FB page has a very interesting feed, curated by Adrianna Kryczka from the Medical University of Warsaw (with some assistance from me).

Specially recommended articles:

About presentations

• Death by PowerPoint – and how to fight it
A slideshow by Alexei Kapterev från Moskva.

• Life After Death by PowerPoint
PowerPoint as stand-up comedy by Don McMillan.

Excellent speakers

Research posters



Decembereftermiddag, Mesta sydväst om Eskilstuna. Diket är på väg att frysa, dimman hänger över plogfårorna. Foto Olle Bergman, @generalblom på Instagram.

Decembereftermiddag, Mesta sydväst om Eskilstuna. Diket är på väg att frysa, dimman hänger över plogfårorna. Foto Olle Bergman, @generalblom på Instagram.